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Community Impact Foundation

Since our origin as a community bank in 1908, giving back to the areas we humbly serve is an important part of who we are.

With this in mind, we created our Community Impact Foundation (CIF), which distributes bi-annual charitable contributions to local 501c3 non-profits that make impacts in and around our service areas. Selected by our CIF Committee, these organizations serve missions that mean the most to our employees. 

These funds are generated from the generous contributions of our employees -- along with corporate support from First National Bank itself. 

Since 2019, our CIF has donated over $97,000 to numerous organizations across our footprint. Non-profits who have received multiple contributions include: the Danville-Pittsylvania Cancer Association, the Lynchburg Daily Bread and the Jubilee Family Development Center.

View the slideshow above to see all of the organizations who have been touched by our CIF!